ECON3075 Service-Learning in Sustainable Development (3 units)
- Prerequisite:
- Year 3 standing
This course emphasizes raising the students' awareness towards the importance of the balance of economic development, social inclusion and environmental impact through experiential learning. By collaborating with NGOs, public organizations and not-for-profit institutions, students will be engaged in a series of activities addressing human and community needs. Through learning and serving, students can build a stronger social responsibility, citizenship skills, and interpersonal development, a greater sense of personal identity and knowledge of sustainability.
Each student can take at most TWO of the following TEN (1-10) internship (or concurrent internship) and service learning courses in his/her entire study, subject to a maximum of 9 units for all the internship courses taken:
(1) ACCT3026 Accounting Internship I, or concurrent with ACCT3045 Accounting Internship II
(2) BUSI3016 Business Internship
(3) BUSI3037 Entrepreneurial Internship I, or concurrent with BUSI3047 Entrepreneurial Internship II
(4) ECON3066 Business Economics Internship
(5) FINE3026 Finance Internship
(6) HRMN3026 Human Resources Management Internship
(7) ISEM3026 ISEM Internship
(8) MKTG3016 Marketing Internship
(9) BUSI3035 Service Learning and Community Engagement
(10) ECON3075 Service-Learning in Sustainable Development