Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Music
The aims and objectives of the Programme are to:
- Provide a rigorous, relevant, and progressive curriculum that develops the musical knowledge, aesthetic concepts, creativity, and skills essential for a successful musician in the 21st Century;
- Enable each student to develop a high level of musical proficiency, achievement, and musicianship;
- Provide a strong tertiary programme of study that develops the creative, intellectual, and performance abilities necessary for a variety of careers in music;
- Provide a programme of study that utilizes modern technology to enhance traditional music learning and to encourage its use in creation, scholarship, performance, and teaching; and
- Provide a programme that encourages self reliance, stimulates powers of communication, and develops analytical and independent thinking.
The structure of the curriculum is as follows:
I) | Major Courses | 69 units |
II) | Honours Project | 6 units |
III) | University Core Courses | 13 units |
IV) | General Education Courses | 18 units |
V) | Free Electives# | 22 units |
128 units |
# Students may take additional Healthy Lifestyle courses and/or General Education (Level 1 or 2) courses in any categories, subject to a maximum of 6 units, to fulfil the Free Electives requirement.
I. | Major Courses | 69 units |
Major Required Courses (44 units) | ||
MUSI1005 Musicianship I | 1 unit | |
MUSI1006 Theory and Structure of Music I | 3 units | |
MUSI1007 Western Music History I | 3 units | |
MUSI1008 Applied Music I | 1 unit | |
MUSI1009 Applied Music II | 1 unit | |
MUSI1015 Musicianship II | 1 unit | |
MUSI1016 Theory and Structure of Music II | 3 units | |
MUSI1017 Western Music History II | 3 units | |
MUSI1018 Ensemble I | 1 unit | |
MUSI1019 Ensemble II | 1 unit | |
MUSI1025 Chinese Music I | 2 units | |
MUSI1026 Chinese Music II | 2 units | |
MUSI1028 Music Colloquium I | 0 unit | |
MUSI1029 Music Colloquium II | 0 unit | |
MUSI2006 Compositional Techniques of the 20th Century and Beyond | 3 units | |
MUSI2008 Applied Music III | 1 unit | |
MUSI2009 Applied Music IV | 1 unit | |
MUSI2015 Musicianship III | 1 unit | |
MUSI2016 Music Technology I | 3 units | |
MUSI2018 Ensemble III | 1 unit | |
MUSI2019 Ensemble IV | 1 unit | |
MUSI2025 Form and Analysis I | 3 units | |
MUSI2028 Music Colloquium III | 0 unit | |
MUSI2029 Music Colloquium IV | 0 unit | |
MUSI3008 Applied Music V | 1 unit | |
MUSI3009 Applied Music VI | 1 unit | |
MUSI3018 Ensemble V | 1 unit | |
MUSI3019 Ensemble VI | 1 unit | |
MUSI3028 Music Colloquium V | 0 unit | |
MUSI3029 Music Colloquium VI | 0 unit | |
MUSI4008 Applied Music VII | 1 unit | |
MUSI4009 Applied Music VIII | 1 unit | |
MUSI4018 Ensemble VII | 1 unit | |
MUSI4019 Ensemble VIII | 1 unit | |
MUSI4028 Music Colloquium VII | 0 unit | |
MUSI4029 Music Colloquium VIII | 0 unit | |
Major Elective Courses (4 units) | ||
MUSI3036 Chinese Music Topic I | 2 units | |
MUSI3037 Chinese Music Topic II | 2 units | |
MUSI3045 Comparative Studies of Asian and Western Music | 2 units | |
MUSI3046 Western Music History Topic I | 2 units | |
MUSI3047 Western Music History Topic II | 2 units | |
Concentration Required Courses (21 units) | ||
(see each concentration) | ||
II. | Honours Project | 6 units |
MUSI4898 Honours Project I | 3 units | |
MUSI4899 Honours Project II | 3 units | |
III. | University Core Courses | 13 units |
IV. | General Education Courses | 18 units |
V. | Free Electives | 22 units |
128 units |
The concentrations offered:
- Performance Concentration
- Composition Concentration
- Music Education Concentration
- Directed Studies Concentration