ISEM4045 Textual Analysis in Business and Finance (3 units)
- Prerequisite:
- ISEM2005 Management Information Systems, ISEM2006 Programming for Business Applications using Python and FINE2005 Financial Management
- Medium of Instruction:
- English
Recent improvements in computing power have rendered possible the application of textual analysis techniques in a wide range of corporate disclosures (financial statements, regulatory disclosures and filings, press articles, social media etc.). The aim of this analysis is to answer questions such as can we extract intended and unintended sentiment from such disclosures in a way that will inform company valuation, can we train algorithms to analyse textual data before humans do, can we monitor social media for clues about investor sentiment etc.? The course introduces students to a practical perspective on textual analysis techniques and their applications in finance and business settings. It also highlights some of the problems in interpreting results in a meaningful way.