VART3396 Studio: Glass (9 units)
- Prerequisite:
- To be specified by term
Studio courses allow students to practice and experiment conceptually with previously acquired skills in one particular area of application as defined in the course title and the course’s cluster association. For that purpose, studio courses are taught project-based with integrated themes that will change every time the studio is offered as potentially may the instructors delivering the course.
To facilitate the intended versatility and interdisciplinarity of the studio courses, for each term all staff aligned with a cluster will “appoint” one of themselves as the “studio leader” for that term only; subsequently it is up to the studio leader to define a “studio theme” for his/her term, and to invite other practice colleagues from the same and/or other clusters to contribute to that theme. The theme will be communicated as a sub-title to the course, which will therefore change every term. To support and consolidate the students’ practice all studio courses feature integrated theory modules.
Through examination of history and theory related to the topic, students will get an initial perspective of contemporary issues in the Glass and Ceramics from an interdisciplinary and cross-cultural perspective. The course will then guide them to integrate various points of view, and to develop their own critical judgment on the topic under study.
Following this initial introduction, the course will continue to investigate through practice different approaches and methodologies to the course topic, and ultimately connect and integrate them with existing skills and knowledge of course participants.
Both as process and outcome students will be required to undertake exercises and assignments of varying sizes and complexity that intellectually and practically respond to the course’s theme defined and elaborated by the studio’s teaching team.