CMED3066 Acupuncture - Clinical Technique and its Application 針灸臨床操作技巧及應用 (2 units)
- Prerequisite:
- CMED2015 Acupuncture - Basic Theories 針灸學基礎 and CMED3036 Acupuncture - Clinical Practice 臨床針灸學
This course is aimed to equip student with advance knowledge and practical skills in using acupuncture to treat various kinds of diseases commonly seen in acupuncture practice. Building on the knowledge acquired during CMED2015 Acupuncture - Basic Theories and CMED3036 Acupuncture - Clinical Practice, students will study advance acupuncture technique in this session.
Besides, knowledge transfer is indispensable to benefit the society. Students are required to visit the following location and promote TCM health knowledge to the community: (1) Local health centre, elderly home in Hong Kong; or (2) Community centre in the greater bay area (GBA).
After completion of this course, students are expected to be able to: (1) Use of acupuncture techniques on head and neck; (2) Use of acupuncture techniques on trunk; (3) Use of acupuncture techniques on limbs; (4) Use of acupuncture techniques on body surface; and (5) Use acupuncture techniques to treat various kinds of diseases commonly seen in acupuncture practice.