GDCV1085 Exploring Drawing (3 units)
People from different cultures tend to draw in different ways. Traditionally Chinese drew with ink and brush whereas westerners used the ink pen or charcoal. Thanks to technological advancement, many of us draw with the aid of computer software nowadays, from very simple software such as the palette on Windows to the more sophisticated Adobe Illustrator. Just like the primitive people drew on rocks for communication purpose, we also perform similar acts of drawing on mobile phones with touch screen functions today.
Drawing is just as a fundamental tool in communication as writing. To learn how to draw, whether on paper or other media, students will be able to explore the alternatives in expressing themselves visually, thus having a better understanding of themselves and others. However to learn drawing does not only mean the technical skills solely. This course aims to demonstrate the potential in/of drawing and inspire students to make use of it as a mean of visual expression.
A better understanding and utilization in drawing can enhance ones analytical and communication skills. To achieve this, this course will introduce drawing samples from art history, explain the differences in drawing approaches in various cultures as well as introduce a selection of drawing practices through experimental drawing projects. Hence, students will learn different ways to draw, to look, to think, and also the significance of drawing in relation to our everyday life.