CMED1045 Introduction of Acute Management in Chinese Medicine and Auxiliary Medicine 實用中醫急診及輔助醫療導論 (3 units)
Since the registration ordinance of Chinese medicine practitioner (CMP) has been passed in 2000, the standard and expectation of CMP has been raised gradually. Although there is no documented requirement that CMP must have the basic pre-hospital and nursing skill of western medicine, it is a default knowledge of a healthcare professional in the view of citizens. As the Chinese medicine hospital is going to be established in 2024, the need of basic common knowledge and skill between CMP and other healthcare professional become more important. The aim of this course is to equip students with the basic pre-hospital acute management skills in the view of Chinese medicine and the basic concept of other auxiliary medicine knowledge. Through the in-class practice and examination, students will gain the basic ability to manage an acute condition with the general standard accepted in Hong Kong. This can provide a foundation knowledge and skills both for the further study of Chinese medicine and Western medicine in their later stage.