VART2437 Chinese Painting: Xieyi (1.5 units)
- Prerequisite:
- VART1006 Visual Arts Practice II or any GE-courses offered by AVA
- Co-requisite:
- VART2445 Chinese Painting: Landscape
- Medium of Instruction:
- English
Xieyi (寫意), as the early 20th century master Zhang Daqian elucidated, means ‘the mastery of brushstroke’ (xie) and ‘the attainment of an idealistic state’ (yi). It also stands for a series of the freehand painting techniques or a typical style of literati painting (文人畫). Through the practice of xieyi painting, students will learn to understand the basic aesthetics and fundamental process of Chinese painting.
The course focuses on the learning of brush and ink in xieyi style through studying the old masters and the reflection of the significance of their mental exertions. The course also covers basic painting skills such as composition, spatial arrangement and inscription. These will help students to explore and re-examine this specific style of xieyi painting, giving them foundations to further develop their own ideas and artistic strategies in the future.
The majority of the course is dedicated to skill-based training, but the course project also requires students to execute their ideas through integrating different techniques based on a well-planned creative strategy.