CHSG3006 Regional Geography of China (3 units)
This is an introductory course on the geography of China. A regional approach is employed to provide students a comprehensive collection of topics over the physical setting, natural resources, population, urban and regional development, industrial and agricultural development, administrative system and geopolitics. These topics span across the time period before and after the country launched its economic reform. This course covers not only topics on social, economic and environmental issues, but also introduces a perspective to understand these activities and their changes. It examines the dynamics and changing patterns of regional inequality, with particular focus on salient development trajectories of diverse regions such as the Pearl River Delta and Greater Bay Area, Yangtze River Delta, Bohai-Bay area, Northeast, Middle and West China, as well as the Greater China region, covering mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. The course will also discuss China’s going global strategy and recent One Belt One Road Initiatives, as well as the implications on China’s international geopolitics.