ARTT3006 Transdisciplinary Collaboration II (6 units)
- Prerequisite:
- Year 3 standing
This course offers senior year students of the Transdisciplinary Programme to apply their cumulative disciplinary expertise to focus on transdisciplinary practice in the arts, business, science and technology, and centred around a collaborative-based practical creative and hands-on investigation.
To facilitate the intended versatility and transdisciplinarity of the studio courses, two appointed staffs define a “studio topic”, and will be communicated as a sub-title to the course, which therefore may change every term. To support and consolidate the students’ practice, the course feature integrated theory components.
Through examination of case study and theory related to the chosen topic, students will get an initial perspective of contemporary issues from an interdisciplinary and cross-cultural perspective. The course will then guide them to integrate various points of view, and to develop their own critical judgment on the topic under study.
Following this initial introduction, the course will continue to investigate through practice different approaches and methodologies to the course topic, and ultimately connect and integrate them with existing skills and knowledge of course participants from different disciplines.
Both as process and outcome students will be required to undertake exercises and assignments of varying sizes and complexity that intellectually and practically respond to the course’s theme defined and elaborated by the studio’s teaching team.
The students are to work collaboratively and to produce one major creative project or production as an outcome of the course.