FAGS3017 Media Arts and Performance (3 units)
Digital technology has fundamentally changed the way art is made. Over the last fifty years, media arts, which includes screen-based projects presented via film, television, radio, audio, video, the Internet, interactive and mobile technologies, video games, trans-media storytelling, and satellite as well as media-related printed books, catalogues, and journals, has become a significant part of our networked information society.
Media arts are rife with references to performance. This course, which is half theory, half practice, is to explore the understanding of media arts within the wider context of the "turn to performance" or the "corporeal turn" that has taken place in the humanities in recent decades. It will try to demonstrate the concept of "mediatized performance", first raised by Jean Baudrillard, which argues that some performances themselves are shaped to the demands of their circulation on film, television, radio, Internet, phone, as audio or video recordings, and in other forms based on the technologies of reproduction.
The course is composed of lectures and workshops/presentations. The lectures will offer students an overview of and exposure to visual and media arts through theoretical, aesthetic and practical frameworks. Students will be introduced to media concepts, techniques and theories in which they analyse the context and application of photography, video, audio, film and social media.
The practical components of the course will include workshops and presentations. Workshops are for students to develop a creative process with reflection on the conception of ideas learnt and with writing through production and post-production of media arts/projects. Presentations are for students to demonstrate understanding of the theories learnt.