FAGS2017 Acting on Screen and with Technology (3 units)
With the concepts and skills learned from the course "Fundamentals of Acting," this course, which is one-third theory, two-thirds practice, is to prepare students for the particular demands and challenges of acting on screen and with technology. First, it will focus on the exposure to and hands-on experience in the technical aspects of working process in capturing actors on-camera performance. Course components include teaching the principles of acting in front of the camera, a guide to the process and techniques of shooting a film or television scene/show, performance adaptation for the camera, monologue and scene rehearsal and production, and creation of an acting reel demo scene. With the conduction of this variety of works in class, students will define and identify on-camera acting techniques and skills and expand their range of emotional, intellectual, physical, and vocal expressiveness for the on-camera performance. On the technical front, with the teaching on working with the camera, the student will also participate in various production crew positions in support of the on-camera exercises and scenes done in the class, with exposure to camera operating, blocking and other positions, as well as the terminology, vocabulary and etiquette required in studio production. Students will also develop a basic understanding of the on-camera production process.
With the continuing growth and development of technology, e.g. 3D scanning and motion capture, new technologies alter so fundamentally the relationship between the actor and the character/performance. A provocative exploration of technology has become a global force for connection and disconnection. The course explores: what are the specific conditions that technologies impose on the actor? In what ways might performance pedagogy respond to such developments? This course will also attempt to address these questions and provide the basis for a systematic approach to twenty-first-century screen actor training working with technologies. By introducing basic knowledge on the emerging technologies adopted in screen performances and the new possibilities and challenges they are posing for actors, the course will let students understand that technological transformations offer not only new obstacles but new opportunities for expression. It will stretch into a systematic approach to performance training including theories and principles of acting with technologies. Notable performances will be screened during lectures. The course treasures opportunities to systematically demonstrate acquisition of acting competencies by applying the concepts and skills in the process.