COMP7460 MSc Practicum for Information Systems (3 units)
- Prerequisite:
- Postgraduate student standing
- Medium of Instruction:
- English
Students work on group or individual system development projects. Each project is supervised by an academic staff, and it may be co-supervised by practicing professionals. The project demands careful planning and creative application of underlying theories and enabling technologies. Students can select project in consultation with their project supervisors. A written report and an oral presentation are required upon successful completion of the project. Each project will be assessed by the supervisor(s) and one additional academic staff on four aspects: (1) project management and progress; (2) methodologies and results; (3) report writing; and (4) oral presentation. Through these projects, students will develop (1) mastery of integrating concepts with practice in information systems; (2) creative and systematic problem solving skills for analysing, designing, and implementing information systems; and (3) report writing and presentation skills for effective communication in IT enterprises.