VART3236 From Object to Installation: The Art of Glass Kiln-Forming (3 units)
- Prerequisite:
- VART2235 From Liquid to Solid: The Art of Glass Blowing or VART2236 Ceramic Art: From Pinched Pot to Sculptural Form or (VART2535 Glass Blowing: Vessels and VART2536 Glass Blowing: Basics) or (VART2537 Glass Kiln-Forming and VART2545 Glass Casting)
- Medium of Instruction:
- English
In addition to Glass Blowing and Casting, Glass Kiln Forming is another essential set of glass-art techniques with more complex firing schedules due to the effect of different melting points. It is used widely in the creative industry, from small jewellery objects, daily table products, and interior designs to artistic works, by using fusible colour glass sheets, frits and powders, as well as window glass and recycled glass. This course focuses on three Kiln Forming techniques: Fusing, Slumping and Pate De Verre.
Slumping (660°C) transfers a sheet of glass from 2-D to 3-D, from a sketch to an object. Students learn to use a diamond cutter to cut glass sheets to compose various patterns, and to slump it over a ceramic mould to sag the forms in a kiln. Use of daily recycled glass and window glass are also introduced for Slumping. The temperature of Fusing (750-840 °C) is higher than Slumping. Fusing is suitable for making jewellery objects, 2-D works, and components for interior designs as well as creating panels for Slumping projects.
Pate de Verre (700°C) is a French word "glass paste" by using different size and colour glass frits and powders mixed with CMC glue to apply over/into a mould (ceramics fibre or hightemperature plaster), then fused together by firing. The works could be thin as a leaf, detailed as lace, vivid as a flower and complex as a building.
The three Kiln Forming Techniques could be used individually or co-ordinately to realise concepts/ideas exquisitely. Sufficient glass Kiln Forming cold-working techniques will also be taught to facilitate a professional completion of the work. Students will explore the potential and wide possibilities of Kiln Forming while building up confidence and accuracy required for craftsmanship. It will provide students with good craft skills and an artistic base for their future career development in visual arts.